
Dear Class of 2022, The SOPHOMORES Have Advice!

What You Wish You Knew in Freshman Year

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Find a support system! High school's just generally an emotionally charged time, and everyone's hormonal and sad, so it's always important to have friends that you know can support you. —Jasveen Wahan

Join a sports team or a club or something that makes you happy in the stressful environment that you will have to deal with. Don’t stress yourself based on grades of other people around you, because you can always ask for help and improve; sometimes [grades] may also be due to the teachers you have. —Suhani Agrawal

I wish I knew not to care about what other people thought, [and] not to let other people’s opinions affect me. —Claire Shin

If a friendship is toxic, drop it. Don’t desperately try to fix it. You don’t have time for that stress. Find people that make you happy for who you are. —Nozima Nurullaeva

I wish I knew not to make toxic friends. I also should have used ARISTA. —Abdullah Alam

Work on your time management! That’s the best way to not have to pull all-nighters, besides not taking AP Human Geography. —Bryce Lin

Find something enjoyable to do in your free time and find nice people to hang out with. Don’t stress too much and just try your best. Grades aren’t everything and just try to have a good time. —Anna Moiseieva

I wish I knew sooner how nice the teachers can be. They do not have anything against you. They're just doing their job. Try your hardest! —Jessica Kim

I wish I used Quizlet more. Generally, just quizzing as a study method is super effective, so I wish I studied like that from the beginning. —Brianna Leung

This is super generic and everyone says it, but seriously manage your time. In the beginning it’s so hard to get to sleep late if you aren't used to it. So, if you have a lot of homework and you're adding on extracurriculars, you really need to learn how to make sure you are performing the best that you can in every way. That way, you won't just walk through the whole day like a zombie because that’s what I did during [last year’s musical], “1776” before I learned how to balance everything. —Emily Gillies

Buy Muji notebooks; those are super skinny. —Palak Srivastava